Les Rencontres et Débats du Festival International de la Photographie Culinaire 2012
VENDREDI 9 NOVEMBRE 2012 de 8h30 à 18h15
Inscription préalable par mail (nombre de places limité) :
Cette journée ouverte à tous aura lieu à GOBELINS, l’école
de l’image, 73 boulevard Saint-Marcel, PARIS 13e, salle 318
Métro : Gobelins
Programme :
8h30/9h : Accueil et enregistrement
9h/9h15 : Ouverture
Véronique Lable, directeur de Gobelin s, l’école de l’image
Pierre Gagnaire, parrain du FIPC 2012
Jean-Pierre PJ Stéphan, président fondateur du FIPC
9h15/9h30 : « Petites histoires d’oeufs d’une globetrotteur »
Anne-France Dautheville, écrivain, journaliste, globetrotteur,
membre du jury du Grand Prix du FIPC
9h30/10h15 : « Un trio d’exception pour créer autour de l’oeuf »
Pierre Gagnaire, cuisinier
Alberto Alessi, industriel
Christian Ghion, designer
10h15/10h45 : « L’oeuf, son territoire culinaire »
Sophie Lignon-Darmaillac, maître de conférences, UFR de
géographie, Paris Sorbonne Université
10h45 : pause café
11h/11h30 : « L’oeuf ? »
Philippe Juven, président du CNPO, Comité National pour la
Promotion de l’OEuf en France
Cécile Riffard, animation filière CNPO
11h30/12h15 : « Le caviar & la maison Petrossian »
Armen Petrossian, président de Petrossian
12h15/13h : « Comment photographier les cafés & bistrots ? »
Pierrick Bourgault, photographe festivalier
14h/14h30 : « Photographie culinaire, une discipline majeure ? »
Anne-Claire Si Fodil, spécialiste-conseil Image & Alimentation
14h30/15h : « Comment l’utilisation de l’oeuf a modifié le destin
de l’image photographique. Le tirage à l’albumine »
Carlos Barrantes, tireur, photographe & enseignant, spécialisé
dans les procédés photographiques historiques et alternatifs.
15h/15h45 : « L’utilisation des objectifs TAMRON par les
jeunes photographes »
Romain Guittet, responsable marketing TAMRON & Benjamin
Schmück, photographe, lauréat Prix Jeunes Talents FIPC 2010
15h45/16h15 : « Le stylisme culinaire, une discipline méconnue
dans l’image culinaire »
Johan Attali, styliste culinaire
Eddy Marie, styliste culinaire
16h15 : pause café
16h30/17h : « La place de la gastronomie dans la communication
de promotion touristique de la Turquie »
Kalbiye Noyan, attachée culturelle près l’Ambassade de Turquie
en France
17h/17h30: « Dans le désert mexicain, à la recherche des
oeufs de fourmis... »
Abraham de la Rosa, cuisinier, candidat TOP CHEF 2011
Arturo Limon Ramirez, photographe festivalier
17h30/18h : « L’excellence des cuisiniers de la Marine Nationale
du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle aux sous-marins
nucléaires lanceurs d’engins »
Nicole Capoulade, photographe, responsable des actions
culturelles de Spéos, école internationale de photographie
Eric Couderc, chef de cuisine de la frégate anti-aérienne
Duquesne, instructeur à l’école des Fourriers de Querqueville
18h/18h15 : Clôture
Véronique Lable, directeur de Gobe lin s, l’école de l’image &
> > Jean-Pierre PJ Stéphan, président fondateur du FIPC
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Conference Program
February 23-25, 2012
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
College of Fine and Liberal Arts
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Thursday, February 23
5:00 pm-8:00 pm ::: Registration
Inaugural Session
6:30 pm. Riklin Auditorium Frío Street Building 1.406
Professor Marita Nummikoski, Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures
Opening Remarks
Dean Dan Gelo, College of Liberal and Fine Arts
Professor Christopher Wickham.
An Introduction to Talking about Food
Professor Renée S. Scott
University of North Florida
“Curb Your Appetite: Consumption and the Body in Latin American Women’s Fiction”
8:00 pm. ::: Reception (Cash Bar)
Friday, February 24
I Session :: 8:30 am-9:45 am
Panel 1. Politics and Food Durango Building 2.302
Jessie Travis, McMaster University
“Drink Me, Eat Me: An Examination of the Economies of Food, Consumption,
and Thatcherite Politics in Alan Hollinghust The Line of Beauty.”
D. Brian Anderson, College of the Mainland
“Cannibalism and Irony in Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic Fiction.”
James Girard
“Food in the Negative: Utility of the Body in Power Relations.”
Chris Frongillo, Florida Tech University
“Of Kings and Beggars: Food, Folk Culture, and Popular Dissent in Christopher
Marlowe’s Tamberlaine.”
Panel 2. Memorable Chefs Durango Building 2.304
Adrienne Kiki Aranita and Christopher Vacca, Bryn Mawr College
“Plating Pasts: Translations of Cuisine, Culture and Memory.”
Jenny Agnew, St. Louis University
“'Chasing Greatness' vs. 'The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef': A
Comparison of Grant Achatz's and Gabrielle Hamilton's Chef Memoirs.”
Friday, February 24
II Session :: 10:00 am-11:15 am
Panel 3. The Detective Novel in Spanish Durango Building 2.302
Chair and Organizer: Genaro J. Pérez, Texas Tech University
Jeffrey Oxford, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“Food and Food Gathering as Status Symbols in the Detective Fiction of
Reyes Calderón Cuadrado.”
Genaro J. Pérez, Texas Tech University
“Un recorrido por las confecciones culinarias de Carvalho”.
Janet Pérez, Texas Tech University.
“Banquetes en dos hemisferios: El hombre que amaba a los perros, por
Leonardo Padura Fuentes”.
Panel 4. Significant Food in American Fiction Durango Building 2.304
Chair and Organizer: Jeff Birkenstein, Saint Martin’s University
Megan J. Elias
“Owen Wister’s Lady Baltimore: Who Will Pay for the Cake?”
Amanda Konkle, University of Kentucky.
“Toxic Intercourse: Ruth Ozeki’s Significant Food in All Over Creation.”
Jeff Birkenstein, Saint Martin’s University
“Food as the Foundation to Community in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.”
Friday, February 24
III Session :: 11:30 am-12:45 pm
Panel 5. Contemporary Spanish Novel Durango Building 2.302
Chair: Carlos Ardavín, Trinity University
Alison Atkins, University of Virginia
“Mollejas, brotes de alfalfa y champiñones de lata: Food Practices and the
Everyday in Almudena Grande’s Malena es un nombre de tango.”
Melissa M. Culver, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
“La vida de hambre/el hambre de vida en dos novelas españolas de
posguerra: Nada y Nosotros, los Rivero”.
Barbara Blithe Ware, Keene State College
“The Pedro Carvalho Series by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán: A
Passionate Exploration of Cuisine and Contemporary Society.”
Panel 6. Post Colonial Eating Durango Building 2.304
Chair: Jack Himelblau, UTSA
Igor Cusack, University of Birmingham
“Tinned Sardines and Putrefied Yellow-Fin: Food in the Literature of
Equatorial Guinea.”
Ajayi Adewale, The Federal Polytechnic, Nigeria
“The Bar as Context of Life’s Bizarre Enactments in the Novels of Ben
Lunch Break
Friday, February 24
IV Session :: 2:30 pm-3:45 pm
Panel 7. More than Just Recipes: Spanish Cookbooks and the
Construction of Modern Spain Durango Building 2.302
Chair and organizer: María Paz Moreno, University of Cincinnati
María Paz Moreno, University of Cincinnati.
“Los sabores de la vida retirada. Recetarios de conventos y monasterios
Rebecca Ingram, University of San Diego.
“Mass-Market Cookbooks and a Spanish Bluestocking’s ‘Double Writing.’”
Lara Anderson, University of Melbourne.
“Nineteenth-Century Spanish Cooking Books: Combining Foreign and
Indigenous Cuisines.”
Panel 8. American Ethnic Food Durango Building 2.304
Nicole M. Stamant, Agnes Scott College
“Negotiating Aisles of Race, Gender, and Family through Food in Stealing
Buddha’s Dinner.”
Liang Ying, Beijing Foreign Studies University
“Sex, Food, and Ethnicity in Mei Ng’s Eating Chinese Food Naked.”
Anton L. Smith, Loyola Marymount University
“Eating to Live, Living to Eat: Consuming Passions and the Representation of
Soul Food in Afro-American Literature.”
Friday, February 24
V Session :: 4:00 pm-5:15 pm
Panel 9. Asian Perspectives Durango Building 2.302
Ankita Haldar, Jawaharial Nehru University.
“Savoury Narratives: A Gastronomic Exploration of Gender and Love.”
Kirsten Komara, Shreiner University
“Chiles and Cheese: A Culinary Look at the Kingdom of Bhutan.”
Panel 10. Hispanoamérica en España Durango Building 2.304
Chair: Malgorzata Olezkiewicz-Peralba, UTSA
Armando Chávez-Rivera, University of Houston, Victoria
“Domando a los esclavos: comida y castigos en la literatura cubana del siglo
Ana Fernández, Duke University.
“De asados con cuero, humitas, charque y mazamorras: el ‘menú’ del Chaco en la
‘mesa’ de El Imparcial”.
Rebecca Ingram, University of San Diego
“’El primer mapa gastronómico de España’: The ‘Slight Revolt’ in Ramón Gómez
de la Serna’s Gastronomical Humor.”
Friday, February 24
VI Session :: 5:15 pm-6:00 pm
Dining and Art: a Video Durango Building 2.302
Chair: Santiago Daydi-Tolson, UTSA
Mohammad Rezaei, Alberta College of Art and Design
“Taste Classifies the Classifier”
“Food and Art”, a video
Poetry Reading
6:00-8:00 pm
Saturday, February 25
VII Session :: 8:30 am-9:45 am
Panel 11. The Irish at Table and Other Eating Ways Buena Vista Building 1.312
Chair: Ninfa B. Kohler, UTSA
Tricia Cusack, University of Birmingham
“’Will the Little Puddings Be Split?’ Images of the Irish at Table in the Long
Nineteenth Century.”
Laura C. Pfeffer Waugh, Arizona State University
“’Crushing in the Winepress Grapes’: Leopold Bloom’s Artistic Revision of
History in James Joyce’s Ulysses.”
Merrianne Timko, Diversified Research Associates
“Exploring Lawrence Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet from a Culinary Perspective.”
Panel 12. Women and Food Buena Vista Building 1.318
Chair: Nancy Membrez, UTSA
Juli McLoone, UTSA
“Celebrating a Woman’s Place in America’s Bicentennial.”
Marjanne Oosting, University of Amsterdam
“Food in Esther Kreitman’s Der Sheydim-tants.”
Judy E. Perkin, University of North Florida
“Friendship and Baked Goods: Cooking and Eating as Love, Survival and
Saturday, February 25
VII Session :: 10:00 am-11:30 am
Panel 13. Teaching and Food Buena Vista Building 1.312
Chair: Gilberta Turner, UTSA
Marta Montemayor, San Antonio College
“El sabor de la cultura”.
Ana María Fox Baker
“Comida y tradición en México”.
Raquel Oxford, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“The Meaning of Food: Teaching Culture and Cultural Identities.”
Laurel Smith Stvan, The University of Texas at Arlington
“Take it with a Pinch of Salt: Polysemy in Vernacular Discussion of Salt.”
Panel 14. Tamales y más Buena Vista Building 1.318
Chair: MaryEllen García, UTSA
M. Dustin Knepp, University of Central Arkansas
“Tamales and Tradition in Latino Children’s Literature.”
Hilda Velásquez
“La publicidad y la comida, elementos convergentes en la transmisión cultural:
una mirada a la publicidad dirigida a hispanos ”.
Susanne Kimball, UTSA
“Chile Queen”
Francisco Marcos-Marín, UTSA
“San Antonio Gastro-linguistic Landscape.”
Saturday, February 25
VIII Session :: 11:45 am-12:30 pm
Panel 15. Sentimental Gastronomy Buena Vista Building 1.312
Chair: Santiago Daydi-Tolson, UTSA
Lilianet Brintrup. Humboldt State University
“The poetry of Potato.”
Eliana Rivero, The University of Arizona
“Food Representation and Santiago’s Bodega: A Gastronomic Journal of Life’s
Buffet Lunch
1:00 pm
Double Tree Hotel
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